Is your workspace truly collaborative?

Is your workspace truly collaborative?

Do you talk, relax, work, research, eat and conduct meetings in the same place? Do you always feel tired at your working space just within an hour? Or the first thought of the morning is “I will leave this office”. If so, then the problem is not in you and neither it is in your boss. The problem lies in the space where you work and it needs to be modified to the agile working system.

Agile working is the way of working of any organization which allows and empowers their workers to work where, when and how they choose. It gives their employees maximum flexibility and minimum constraints so as to let them stay focused, happy and work as per the need and requirement of the emotions and body to yield the better results and deliver best to clients or the customers.

There is no such fixed rule and detailing about the agile working space as it depends upon the kind of work you do and the areas of your interest. It is the development of your own working style in the way you want. The concept is driven from a belief, that work is an activity we do to make things or provide service, rather than a place we go. And with the available technology, there are numerous tools which help us work in better and different ways, to meet consumers’ needs, reduce costs, increase and improve sustainability.

It provides different places and different settings for the individuals to work with concentration or the group of people with a common goal and targets. Agile space can include various spaces as per the interests of the employees working like focus space, collaboration space, team meeting space, relaxation space, inspirational space, telephone conversation space and concentration space. Provide your employees the freedom of space to make individual choices, decisions to let their creativity enunciate. It helps to generate fresh ideas and lets you to the stage of brainstorming.  A collaborative office space always improves co-working relationships, productivity, and workflow. Although there is no rule or an approach to agile working the office design should reflect the values and culture of the organisation.

Benefits for the business includes Increased productivity and efficiency, Space savings, reduced property costs, reduced cost of fuel and parking, extended business hours, meeting customer’s expectations, ability to match workforce to fluctuating demands, better utilisation of skills, increased innovation, reduction in organisational and personal carbon footprint and improved business continuity.

Benefits for employees includes personal productivity – fewer distractions, concentration, improved focus, creativity, less frustration, improved work life balance, increase in wellbeing, health and happiness – reduced stress, better sense of control, ability to integrate healthy eating and exercise into the day and increased engagement.

Sachchit Kholkute

I am a practicing Architect & Interior Designer based in India. I love to design spaces and integrate technology in interior design.

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